•  4 ounces unsweetened
    chocolate, chopped
  •  3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks)
  •  1 3/4 cups granulated
  •  3 large eggs
  •  1 teaspoon vanilla
  •  1/2 teaspoon salt
  •  1 cup all-purpose

  •  1 1/2 cups or 5
    ounces (3 cups or 10 ounces to double) finely ground cookies such as chocolate
    wafers or chocolate Teddy Grahams
  •  5 tablespoons (10
    tablespoons to double) butter, melted
  •  1/3 cup (2/3 cup to
    double) granulated sugar
  •  1/8 (1/4 teaspoon to
    double) teaspoon salt

  •  3 (8 ounce) packages
    cream cheese, softened
  •  4 large eggs
  •  1 teaspoon vanilla
  •  1 cup sugar
  •  2 cups chilled
    brownie cubes (from recipe above)

  •  3 ounces bittersweet
    or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped (can use 1/2 cup chocolate chips)
  •  4 tablespoons butter
  •  1/4 cup heavy cream
  •  1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  •  1 tablespoon
    confectioners sugar

  1. For the brownies, preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a
    13×9-inch baking pan with foil, with the ends of foil extending over the two
    short sides of the pan. Lightly grease foil. In a large microwaveable bowl,
    microwave the chocolate and butter on high for one minute. Stir. Repeat the
    process at 50% power until the chocolate is completely melted and the mixture
    is smooth. Stir in the sugar. Blend in the eggs and vanilla. Add the flour and
    salt, stirring to mix well. Spread the batter evenly in the prepared pan.
  2. Bake the brownies for 28-30 minutes until a toothpick
    inserted in the center comes out with moist crumbs. Do not overbake! Cool the
    brownies in the pan on a wire rack. Once cool, use the foil handles to remove
    the brownies. Refrigerate the brownies until chilled (1-2 hours) and cut into
    3/4- to 1-inch cubes. Refrigerate the cubes until ready to fold into the cheesecake.
    You’ll have more brownie cubes than needed in the cheesecake recipe so use your
    best judgment about what to do with those leftover brownie babies.
  3. For the crust, stir together the crust ingredients and press
    onto bottom and 1 inch up side of a buttered 10-inch springform pan. Fill right
    away with cheesecake or chill up to 2 hours.
  4. For the cheesecake filling, preheat the oven to 350°F.
  5. With an electric mixer or in the bowl of an electric stand
    mixer, beat the softened cream cheese with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add
    eggs, 1 at a time, then vanilla and sugar, beating on low speed until each
    ingredient is incorporated and scraping down the bowl between additions.
  6. Fold brownie cubes in very gently and pour the mixture into
    the prepared pan. Place the filled springform pan on a larger baking sheet and
    bake in the middle of the oven for 45 minutes, or until the cake is set 3
    inches from the edge but still slightly jiggly in the center (watch the time
    carefully, you may need more or less baking time based on your exact oven
  7. Cool the cheesecake completely in the springform pan on a
    wire rack. When completely cool, top with the ganache glaze.
  8. For the ganache glaze, scald (heat just below boiling) the
    butter and cream in a saucepan (or in a Pyrex cup in the microwave). Place the
    finely chopped chocolate in a medium bowl. Pour the hot cream/butter mixture
    over the chocolate and let it sit for 1-2 minutes. Stir the mixture together
    until completely smooth and silky (it might look grainy at first but it will
    come together if the cream is sufficiently warm and the chocolate is chopped
    finely). Add the vanilla and sugar and whisk until smooth. Spread over the
    cheesecake. Chill until ready to serve.
  9. To serve, unmold the cheesecake from the springform pan, cut
    the cheesecake into slices and serve.

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